Duration – 21 Months
- To identify the level of knowledge, among companies and workers (especially in the mechanical industry) of the information on rights and obligations in situations of cross-border posting.
- To develop, for each partner country, a vademecum addressed to posted workers and to companies, established in the EU state, posting workers and to the national receiving companies.
- To organize Infodays aimed at workers and unions; at companies and employers’ associations.
Proposed activities:
4.1 Research about the level of diffusion on information of rights and obligations in situations of cross-border posting among companies and workers in the mechanical industry
4.2 Preparation of 2 vademecums to raise awareness of companies and workers
4.3 Promotion and diffusion of the vade mecum through Infodays addressed to companies, workers and social partners
Expected results and outcomes:
- Mapping, for each country, the level of knowledge of their own rights by posted workers, employees of companies established in other EU States;
- Mapping, for each country, the level of knowledge of the national framework and practices by the posting companies established in other EU countries;
- Mapping, for each country, the level of knowledge of their own rights by employees of national companies posted in one of the other countries involved in the project;
- Mapping, for each country, the level of knowledge of the framework and practices of the other countries involved in the project by national companies;
- Mapping, for each country, the level of knowledge of the framework and inspective practices by the receiving companies;
- Increasing the level of knowledge and awareness, among companies and among workers in the mechanical industry, of the information on rights and obligations in situations of cross-border posting
- 5 National researches about the level of diffusion, among companies and workers in the mechanical industry, of the information on rights and obligations in situations of cross-border posting
- 1 Final research about the level of diffusion in EU, among companies and workers in the mechanical industry, of the information on rights and obligations in situations of cross-border posting
- 1 Vademecum addressed to employees of companies
- 1 Vademecum addressed to posting companies established in an EU state and receiving companies established in one of the countries involved in the project
- 15 infodays addressed to workers and trade unions (at least 3 Infodays/ partner)
- 15 local meetings addressed to companies (and their consultants) and employers’ associations (at least 3 Infodays/ partner)
Responsible partner: Vilnius University (LT); all the partners cooperate.
Lithuanian vademecums for workers and employers
- Vademecum for Workers (english)
- Vademecum for Employers (english)
- Vademecum for Workers (Lithuanian)
- Vademecum for Employers (Lithuanian)
Spanish vademecums for workers and employers
Portuguese vademecums for workers and employers
- Vademecum for Workers (Portuguese)
- Vademecum for Employers (Portuguese)
- Vademecum for Workers (English)
- Vademecum for Employers (English)
Italian vademecums for workers and employers
- Vademecum for Workers (Italian)
- Vademecum for Employers (Italian)
- Vademecum for Workers (English)
- Vademecum for Employers (English)