Who we are
STEP UP PROTECTION partners were chosen on the basis of their competences and of their strong interest towords the project topic.
In fact, considering their objectives and mission, they are different organizations all with competences and abilities needed for implementing a successful project. They are all public bod ies and this can ensure the financial and management capability that is strongly needed for the implementation of a transnational project. Moreover, they reflect national contexts with different approaches and situations related to project issues. Geographical distribution is well balanced: from the south (Italy), to the south-west (Spain and Portugal), to central-east (Romania), to the north-east (Lithuania).
The various activities proposed will be developed and implemented simultaneously in the geographical area of all these countries involved in the
Regard ing the objectives of the call, the choice of these specific countries respond s to the need to verify empirically the main project hypotheses, that were formulated on the basis of press reports and public statements made by the representatives of the social partners. It is important to underline in fact, that in all the countries have been involved not only the University and specific departments that are expert in the project topic but also the social partners, with specific reference to the Labour Inspectorates and Trade Unions that will participate as associated partners.
Accord ing to these hypotheses, the five countries involved would be affected, contrary to what emerges from the surveys and estimates formulated so far, by not declared (or partially declared) transnational flows of workers, especially in the mechanical sector sector. Those workers that are employed in companies established in Portugal, Romania and Lithuania, would be posted, concretely but not officially, to establishments or companies located in particular in Italy and Spain. This what we are going to investigate and analyse during the project implementation.
What we do
The target groups of the STEP UP PROTECTION project are the following : Direct target g roups
posted workers and (posting and receiving) companies, with specific reference the mechanical sector sector; social partners and trade union organizations representing workers and companies operating in the mechanical sector sector; the national Labour Inspectorate authorities. Indirect target g roups public decision makers / legislative bodies in Europe; European institutions(Parliament, Council, Commission,European Labor Authority, etc.); national and international research institutes. With regard to workers and businesses, they will be directly involved in the recog nition and mapping of the level of dillusion of information of the rights and obligations in situations of cross-border posting and they will be the main beneficiaries, together with the trade union organizations representing workers and companies, of the vedemecum and of the spread of all the information contained, relating to the rights and obligations that arise in the case of posting in one of the countries involved in the project.